Manhattan Experimental Theater Workshop

a program of the Manhattan Arts Center in Manhattan, Kansas

Category: 2016

  • A Taste of What is To Come

    A Taste of What is To Come

  • Big Decisions: Sessions 7 and 8

    Big Decisions: Sessions 7 and 8

    Session 7 is always exciting for two reasons, one: they let us know which of the authors we have studied they would like to emulate when they create their new works and two: since this doesn’t usually take too long we get a good long session full of physical and vocal work. We began our…

  • MXTW 2016 Sessions 5 & 6

    MXTW 2016 Sessions 5 & 6

    In session five, we worked on listening as a tool of creation with some exercises that involve listening to each other and responding together to create soundscapes. We started with the simple pebbles in a pond game where you do this imagining you are throwing pebbles in a pond and you make the sound of…

  • MXTW 2016 Week One: Sessions 3 & 4

    MXTW 2016 Week One: Sessions 3 & 4

    by Gwethalyn [and some notes by Flinn] We do so much in each session it’s hard to combine two into one blog entry, but one blog entry is all I’ve got time for, so I’ll just have to tell you about only the very coolest things that happened these sessions. [Flinn: We played a round of…

  • MXTW 2016 BEGINS! Sessions 1 & 2

    by Gwethalyn Session one began with the usual butterflies in my directorly stomach. Luckily, the butterflies are always quelled by the obvious enthusiasm of the participants to get started. We’ve got a good sized group of 19 students this year. Lots of returning participants, lots of graduating seniors who have been in the workshop multiple…