Manhattan Experimental Theater Workshop

a program of the Manhattan Arts Center in Manhattan, Kansas

Tag: Quartets

  • Session 3: The Task is Masks

    Session 3: The Task is Masks

    I’ve realized that after today’s workshop, we are halfway through the reader! It’s always surprising to me just how quickly the workshop goes. But clearly, we are not stopping for anybody as we rolled through the day’s exercises with gusto and a new sense of focus. We began with an exercise in which the participants,…

  • Session 2: Sounding in the Storm

    Session 2: Sounding in the Storm

    “We don’t whine enough.” Megan made this hilarious statement during warm-ups as she instructed us to whine while pretending to suck on a sour lemon drop. But honestly, she’s right! Not just about whining, but about all the things we deny ourselves on a daily basis: yelling, wailing, spinning, tumbling, etc. As humans, we have…

  • MXTW 2016 Week One: Sessions 3 & 4

    MXTW 2016 Week One: Sessions 3 & 4

    by Gwethalyn [and some notes by Flinn] We do so much in each session it’s hard to combine two into one blog entry, but one blog entry is all I’ve got time for, so I’ll just have to tell you about only the very coolest things that happened these sessions. [Flinn: We played a round of…

  • Session 4: Movement

    Session 4: Movement

    I have been having camera troubles this year (not to mention lighting troubles with the theater space we’ve been working in, we really need more lights hung). But here’s some exercises from session 4: al-Hakim and Akalaitis. [youtube] [youtube] [youtube] [youtube] [youtube] [youtube]

  • Session 4: al-Hakim and Akalaitis

    Session 4: al-Hakim and Akalaitis

    by Gwethalyn In session 4 we knew we were going to lose several participants to a choir concert half way through the session, so we spent a little more time in the movement exercises before the readings than we usually do, for we were working on one of the true staples of our staging techniques,…