Manhattan Experimental Theater Workshop

a program of the Manhattan Arts Center in Manhattan, Kansas

Category: 2021

  • Weeks 3 & 4: Echos & Reflections

    Weeks 3 & 4: Echos & Reflections

    For the past two weeks, we have been busy creating our pieces for the show. With that, we are excited to announce that this year’s target story will be (drum roll please)… the Greek myth of Echo and Narcissus. Our participants were intrigued by this story due to its many facets: unrequited love and rejection,…

  • Week Two: Gifts

    Week Two: Gifts

    Week two of the workshop is always one of the most fun. The work done in week one begins bearing fruit as the participants gain confidence. They start layering in previously explored skills and incorporating multiple concepts into the games we play. The sense of ensemble becomes stronger, and the added confidence of the group…

  • Week 1: Screens

    Week 1: Screens

    Working with our Screens The first week of the workshop is always about introducing the participants to the skills and ideas they need to be successful in creating their work. This means playing games that grow their understanding of what is possible with the body and voice as well as reading plays that we will…

  • We’re back, virtual, and ready to begin

    Hello again. Try as I might, I have found it absolutely impossible to begin blogging about this year’s workshop without first acknowledging last year’s workshop and the lack of blog posts about it. I think (and maybe some of you can relate to this) we feel a bit like a friend who has been avoiding…