Manhattan Experimental Theater Workshop

a program of the Manhattan Arts Center in Manhattan, Kansas

Help Support MXTW

We have been sending emails and making posts about some fundraisers we have going on. We have realized there may be some confusion because we are actually running two different fundraising campaigns at the moment.

  1. Raise a sustaining fund to ensure MXTW will continue into the future
  2. Raise funds to send some of the MXTW participants to Norway this summer to complete the second half of the cultural exchange begun last year with the Norwegian Experimental Theater Workshop

The Norway opportunity is a truly unique situation for our students to go collaborate with the only other group of students in the world who have created work in the same way they have and to have an experience of making art in another country and culture.

The endowment will be crucial to MXTW going forward, as Jim is retiring from producing the workshop this year and he wants to be sure we are not unable to continue the program because of lack of funds in the coming years.

Both campaigns are exciting and important to us. We welcome and deeply appreciate any contribution you decide to make to either campaign at any time. If you are an alum, and you have not yet received an email about the endowment fund, you will very soon. We will be continuing to post announcements about fundraising for the Norway trip on our website and Facebook groups.

At any time, monetary donations in support of the endowment or the Norway trip can be done online through the MAC’s website via Paypal.

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Under “add special instructions for MAC” write “MXTW Norway” or “MXTW.”





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