Manhattan Experimental Theater Workshop

a program of the Manhattan Arts Center in Manhattan, Kansas

How art thou out of breath

when thou hast breath / to say to me that thou art out of breath?

This week all of us have been hard at work building our set and writing! The group has been putting together the two whole company pieces, as well as writing their smaller group pieces.

Thank you Steve for all of your help!!!!!!!!!

Building the set required two days of effort, plus one day dedicated to finding and gathering what was needed to piece it all together! And it still is not performance ready – dutching and painting has been set for a later date. A big shout out goes out to the dedicated people who helped create the beautiful structure that our MXTW participants get to play and perform on.

Those platforms are HEAVY!

This week has been jam packed with creation. All of us are hard at work, and very busy with, making sure this year’s production is full of that MXTW magic.

This is a short, breezy update. The big stuff is coming soon!






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