Manhattan Experimental Theater Workshop

a program of the Manhattan Arts Center in Manhattan, Kansas

It’s Workshop Time!

By Gwethalyn
So it has come again, workshop time. The best time. I find myself once again engaged in two weeks of a surreal existence where my time is split between periods of extremely intense creative and artistic stimulation for myself and those I am teaching and periods of answering phones and paying the bills for the cost of geological research at my desk job, and of course, the inescapable glue which binds the two together: the commute down I-70 accompanied by the blaring of whatever music will move me to sing along in order to prevent me from drifting off into exhaustion at the wheel.

Same as it ever was.

If you’ve been following our blog you have already seen a wealth of information about this year’s workshop, the session schedule and the reader list have been posted for weeks, thanks to Flinn who is once again lending her significant talents to our humble blog.

Enrollments aren’t quite as high as last year (we had 16) but we had 14 people that had actually applied before the first session began (which is usually not the case, as many people have applied late the last few years causing a great deal of anxiety for the producer and director as to the feasibility of running this kinda expensive endeavor), so the excitement and dedication of this year’s group was evident even before the workshop began. This is probably, in part, due to the excellent recruiting events we had, which Flinn has posted previous entries on. The enthusiasm of this year’s returning participants was also clearly a factor (see Flinn’s post about recruiting at MHS for Felix’s speech in support of his classmates participating in the workshop), so, many thanks to our returning participants for their efforts to recruit their classmates! We’ve got a great group this year. And the fun is already in full swing. More on that momentarily . . .





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