Manhattan Experimental Theater Workshop

a program of the Manhattan Arts Center in Manhattan, Kansas


Gweth, Josh, Megan, Chad, and I met at the Manhattan Arts Center today to talk with kids who are interested in the workshop this year about recruitment and to play some MXTW games. We did a lot of the basic stuff: walking through the space, different qualities of walking, shaping, shaping in groups of 2, shaping in groups of 4, machine, and antiquated telephone.

The two wall towers they have up in the gallery right now are really cool, moving in between them and interacting with that liminal space was just really neat. It was also great to see the kids working with it. Perhaps something similar will end up in our set this year? Who knows?

I think 8 potential participants showed up today, including 4 veterans of the workshop. There were 2 other kids who are veterans who will probably be participating, so that looks like 14? The kids seem to think we can get 4-5 more to join, which would be great! I hope more of my GSA kids show up, because I think a bunch of them would just love this stuff, but it’s been a busy last couple of weekends for them.

We will also be recruiting at Manhattan High School tomorrow.







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