Manhattan Experimental Theater Workshop

a program of the Manhattan Arts Center in Manhattan, Kansas

Tag: Adrienne Kennedy

  • Session 4: Problems and Solutions

    Session 4: Problems and Solutions

    Today we temporarily moved from our usual rehearsal space to the JNT Company office space. A little disoriented, but ready to keep learning, we started our session by exploring our new space. How is the size and shape of the room different? How is the sound different? How does the concrete floor feel on bare…

  • MXTW 2018 is Starting Strong!

    MXTW 2018 is Starting Strong!

    We have 18 passionate participants and four dedicated directors who are already three sessions in to this year’s theatrical adventure. he died saying that farce is a poetic element like sorrow for example then they sang crocrocrocrocrocrocro We have tried our hands at performing some Dada and discussed the dramatic tension of Beckett’s later minimalistic…

  • Session 2: Kennedy & Open Theater

    Session 2: Kennedy & Open Theater

    At the beginning of Session 2 after stretches and breathing exercises we played a good game of Red Ball. Several of the objects transformed (ex. Black Bat became Black Goat), but at least we didn’t lose any. We focused on movement exercises: shaping and reshaping, walking with various qualities, and Cara lead stopping and starting.…

  • The Judgement of Your Life is Your Life. Brother And Sister Rat We Are. – Session 3: Open Theater & Adrienne Kennedy

    The Judgement of Your Life is Your Life. Brother And Sister Rat We Are. – Session 3: Open Theater & Adrienne Kennedy

    We started session three off with some explorations of vocal techniques that can be used to disrupt our natural ways of speaking – a handy tool for our toolbox indeed. We played around with changes in speed, unusual emphasis, and my personal favorite, the unconcealed breath. Then we worked on creating some soundscapes together. We…

  • Session 4: Kennedy’s Impossible Identities and Once Upon a Time with Kondoleon

    Session 4: Kennedy’s Impossible Identities and Once Upon a Time with Kondoleon

    In session 4 we finally got around to my all time favorite movement exercise: move on exhale. For more info on this exercise see my previous entry. It was clear this group benefited from the starting and stopping work last session, as their stillness and movement were precise from the very beginning. As always, the…

  • 2013 Reader

    2013 Reader

    Jean Cocteau: Wedding on the Eiffel Tower Georges Ribemont-Dessaignes: The Mute Canary Tristan Tzara: The First Celestial Adventure of Mr. Antipyrine, Fire Extinguisher Bertoldt Brecht: The Elephant Calf Jerzy Grotowski: Akropolis Peter Handke: Self Accusation and Prophecy Harold Pinter: Landscape, Silence, and Night Adrienne Kennedy: A Rat’s Mass and Lesson in a Dead Language Harry Kondoleon: The Brides Maria Irene Fornes: The Danube Suzan Lori Parks: The…

  • Session 3: Lesson I Bleed and EAT YOUR HEART OUT DIMITRI TIOMKIN

    -by gwethalyn We began our post warm up movement in session three by making a couple of machines.  In this exercise each individual player makes a rhythmic sound and repeats a physical action to go with the sound, the machine is built by one person starting and everyone else adding on with their sound and…

  • The Reader for 2011

    Jean Cocteau Wedding on the Eiffel Tower Gertrude Stein Turkey and Bones and Eating and We Liked It Every Afternoon Not slightly Bertolt Brecht Der Jasager; Der Neinsager (He Who says Yes/He Who Says No) Jean-Claude van Itallie / Open Theater The Serpent Adrienne Kennedy A Rat’s Mass Lesson in a Dead Language Samuel Beckett…

  • Session Three: Do blogs require clever titles? If so, does Handke actually rhyme with Kennedy? And if so, can I use that somehow?

    In session three we were were joined by some new participants. Joyous hooray! More minds and bodies makes for a better workshop all around. We read “Prophecy” and “Self-Accusation” by Peter Handke. Handke has some pretty radical ideas about what theater should be. In his early Sprechstucke or speak-ins he took everything away from the…