Manhattan Experimental Theater Workshop

a program of the Manhattan Arts Center in Manhattan, Kansas

Tag: Artaud

  • Session 2: Sounding in the Storm

    Session 2: Sounding in the Storm

    “We don’t whine enough.” Megan made this hilarious statement during warm-ups as she instructed us to whine while pretending to suck on a sour lemon drop. But honestly, she’s right! Not just about whining, but about all the things we deny ourselves on a daily basis: yelling, wailing, spinning, tumbling, etc. As humans, we have…

  • MXTW 2016 BEGINS! Sessions 1 & 2

    by Gwethalyn Session one began with the usual butterflies in my directorly stomach. Luckily, the butterflies are always quelled by the obvious enthusiasm of the participants to get started. We’ve got a good sized group of 19 students this year. Lots of returning participants, lots of graduating seniors who have been in the workshop multiple…