Manhattan Experimental Theater Workshop

a program of the Manhattan Arts Center in Manhattan, Kansas

Tag: Harry Kondoleon

  • Session 3: The Task is Masks

    Session 3: The Task is Masks

    I’ve realized that after today’s workshop, we are halfway through the reader! It’s always surprising to me just how quickly the workshop goes. But clearly, we are not stopping for anybody as we rolled through the day’s exercises with gusto and a new sense of focus. We began with an exercise in which the participants,…

  • Session 4: Kennedy’s Impossible Identities and Once Upon a Time with Kondoleon

    Session 4: Kennedy’s Impossible Identities and Once Upon a Time with Kondoleon

    In session 4 we finally got around to my all time favorite movement exercise: move on exhale. For more info on this exercise see my previous entry. It was clear this group benefited from the starting and stopping work last session, as their stillness and movement were precise from the very beginning. As always, the…

  • 2013 Reader

    2013 Reader

    Jean Cocteau: Wedding on the Eiffel Tower Georges Ribemont-Dessaignes: The Mute Canary Tristan Tzara: The First Celestial Adventure of Mr. Antipyrine, Fire Extinguisher Bertoldt Brecht: The Elephant Calf Jerzy Grotowski: Akropolis Peter Handke: Self Accusation and Prophecy Harold Pinter: Landscape, Silence, and Night Adrienne Kennedy: A Rat’s Mass and Lesson in a Dead Language Harry Kondoleon: The Brides Maria Irene Fornes: The Danube Suzan Lori Parks: The…

  • Session 6: And They Lived Ever After: Kondoleon or They Were Brutally Deconstructed: Schenkar

    We began the readings today with The Brides by Harry Kondoleon. The Brides doesn’t just critique one fairytale, it critiques all fairytales. Kondoleon explores the dangers inherent in the idea of prince charming and true love. It is the story of The Bride who seems to speak from different parts of her experience, from young…