Manhattan Experimental Theater Workshop

a program of the Manhattan Arts Center in Manhattan, Kansas

Tag: Image Theater

  • Session 6: Colliding Images

    Session 6: Colliding Images

    “It was a wordless world she gave me.” The participants started today’s session by disrupting everyday speaking patterns using this line from the Diane Glancy play we would be reading later. First, they tried manipulating the speed of the line: saying it as fast as they could, as slow as they could, and speeding up…

  • The Judgement of Your Life is Your Life. Brother And Sister Rat We Are. – Session 3: Open Theater & Adrienne Kennedy

    The Judgement of Your Life is Your Life. Brother And Sister Rat We Are. – Session 3: Open Theater & Adrienne Kennedy

    We started session three off with some explorations of vocal techniques that can be used to disrupt our natural ways of speaking – a handy tool for our toolbox indeed. We played around with changes in speed, unusual emphasis, and my personal favorite, the unconcealed breath. Then we worked on creating some soundscapes together. We…

  • Session 6: Everyone Knows a Dance with Carlos and Melting Out of Existence with Miyagawa.

    Session 6: Everyone Knows a Dance with Carlos and Melting Out of Existence with Miyagawa.

    We began session 6 with a one note orchestra, something we’ve been doing in the workshop since my days as a participant. In this exercise everyone simply sits still, inhales and makes a tone on the exhale. You start at as low a volume as possible and with each breath you bring the volume up…

  • Session 4: al-Hakim and Akalaitis

    Session 4: al-Hakim and Akalaitis

    by Gwethalyn In session 4 we knew we were going to lose several participants to a choir concert half way through the session, so we spent a little more time in the movement exercises before the readings than we usually do, for we were working on one of the true staples of our staging techniques,…

  • Session 2, part 2: Open Theater’s Images, Our Images

    -by gwethalyn We began our reading of The Open Theater’s “ceremony” The Serpent by reading a scene titled “Kennedy-King Assassination.”  In the scene four actors visually recreate the figures in the convertible from the iconic video clip of JFK’s assassination, the rest of the actors are bystanders although one stands aside miming the act of…