Manhattan Experimental Theater Workshop

a program of the Manhattan Arts Center in Manhattan, Kansas

Tag: movement exercises

  • Session 5: Making Music

    Session 5: Making Music

    Megan called today’s rehearsal “the best day of the year” because we were scheduled to play Word Jazz–her favorite game. Every participant, past and present, could tell you their favorite exercise from the workshop if you asked them (mine is Quartets). But why do we get so excited for the same games over and over…

  • Session 5: Fornes’s Lessons in Tenderness vs the Atomic Bomb and Parks Digs a Hole in the Whole.

    Session 5: Fornes’s Lessons in Tenderness vs the Atomic Bomb and Parks Digs a Hole in the Whole.

    We started session 5 off with some serious vocal work. The lines I chose from our later readings proved to be extremely difficult to master, which made them perfect for our diction work and vocal explorations. We worked on the lines “You sockdologizing old man trap.” and “Emergency, oh emergency, please put the great man…

  • Session 4: Slow Motion Race or Don’t Let the Puma Get You

    Session 4: Slow Motion Race or Don’t Let the Puma Get You

    So at the very end of session 4, Jim lead the classic favorite: slow motion race. You run as slow as you possibly can, while still giving the illusion of running. Since there were so many, we had to send them off in three groups.

  • Session 6 & 8 – motion

    Session 6 & 8 – motion

    Session 6 [youtube] [youtube] [youtube] [youtube] [youtube]   Session 8 [youtube] [youtube]

  • Session 7 : images

    Session 7 : images