Manhattan Experimental Theater Workshop

a program of the Manhattan Arts Center in Manhattan, Kansas

Tag: Richard Foreman

  • MXTW 2018 is Starting Strong!

    MXTW 2018 is Starting Strong!

    We have 18 passionate participants and four dedicated directors who are already three sessions in to this year’s theatrical adventure. he died saying that farce is a poetic element like sorrow for example then they sang crocrocrocrocrocrocro We have tried our hands at performing some Dada and discussed the dramatic tension of Beckett’s later minimalistic…

  • Session 3: Müller & Foreman

    Session 3: Müller & Foreman

    Most of the pictures are of Shape/Reshape in pairs, then quartets, then whole group shaping. We also played Crumple, Blossoming and Withering, and Quartets.

  • Session 5: Dontcha Wanna Be Music, Like Shange? And We Get a Look Inside Foreman’s Head.

    We began our readings by looking at “Boogie Woogie Landscapes” by Ntozake Shange. Shange called her works choreopoems and they are full of music, rhythm, and dance. The language is beautiful and poetic but the story revolves around a woman whose story is full of violent racism and the struggle to discover her own self…