Manhattan Experimental Theater Workshop

a program of the Manhattan Arts Center in Manhattan, Kansas

Tag: Suzan Lori-Parks

  • Session 5: Fornes’s Lessons in Tenderness vs the Atomic Bomb and Parks Digs a Hole in the Whole.

    Session 5: Fornes’s Lessons in Tenderness vs the Atomic Bomb and Parks Digs a Hole in the Whole.

    We started session 5 off with some serious vocal work. The lines I chose from our later readings proved to be extremely difficult to master, which made them perfect for our diction work and vocal explorations. We worked on the lines “You sockdologizing old man trap.” and “Emergency, oh emergency, please put the great man…

  • 2013 Reader

    2013 Reader

    Jean Cocteau: Wedding on the Eiffel Tower Georges Ribemont-Dessaignes: The Mute Canary Tristan Tzara: The First Celestial Adventure of Mr. Antipyrine, Fire Extinguisher Bertoldt Brecht: The Elephant Calf Jerzy Grotowski: Akropolis Peter Handke: Self Accusation and Prophecy Harold Pinter: Landscape, Silence, and Night Adrienne Kennedy: A Rat’s Mass and Lesson in a Dead Language Harry Kondoleon: The Brides Maria Irene Fornes: The Danube Suzan Lori Parks: The…

  • anticipation

    Today I’ve been reading over old scripts and getting excited, made some more Wordle things. MXTW, beyond the solid satisfaction working with highly creative and dynamic teenagers, allows me to maintain a connection with that part of my past, and I really enjoy that bit of nostalgia. Also it allows me to be around other…