Manhattan Experimental Theater Workshop

a program of the Manhattan Arts Center in Manhattan, Kansas

Tag: Symbolists

  • Session 1: Madame Rachilde and the DADAists

    Well, we’re all lined up to have the largest group ever this summer. They are 27 strong and already a force to be reckoned with! We did some moving through the space imagining we were surrounded by bubbles that bounced off each other and getting anywhere was well neigh impossible. But the excitement of the…

  • Session One: The Symbolists & The Futurists

    by Gwethalyn The first few moments of the first session are always accompanied by a certain amount of incredulity from my unrelentingly skeptical brain. Is it really possible that we have all gathered here to do this work that I so love? Have we really managed to make this work again?  For 24 (TWENTYFOUR!) years…