Manhattan Experimental Theater Workshop

a program of the Manhattan Arts Center in Manhattan, Kansas

Tag: Word Jazz

  • Session 5: Making Music

    Session 5: Making Music

    Megan called today’s rehearsal “the best day of the year” because we were scheduled to play Word Jazz–her favorite game. Every participant, past and present, could tell you their favorite exercise from the workshop if you asked them (mine is Quartets). But why do we get so excited for the same games over and over…

  • Session 3: The World in Handke’s Words and Pinter’s Uncovering of the Nakedness We Try to Hide With Words.

    Session 3: The World in Handke’s Words and Pinter’s Uncovering of the Nakedness We Try to Hide With Words.

    We began session 3 with some simple starting and stopping. It seems like such an obvious thing, we can’t live our lives with out starting and stopping hundreds of times a day, we do it so often it becomes automatic, something we are often unaware of.  JoAnne Akalaitis says theater is all about stopping and…

  • Session 3: Grotowski and Foreman

    By Gwethalyn In the first part of session three we did a little of the exercise called lay/sit/stand, led by Chad. This is an exercise in which you can either be (you guessed it) laying, sitting, or standing, or moving between one and the other. It is about stopping and starting and precision in transition,…