Manhattan Experimental Theater Workshop

a program of the Manhattan Arts Center in Manhattan, Kansas

Insanely happy (feet)!

by Flinn

Well the 4 directors were up till 11:00pm last night working to get all the participants into groups that would work and we did it! There will be 5 groups this year! FIVE! That’s two more than last year. We will also be doubling up on directing duties for most of the groups and of course we will all try to visit the other small groups sessions as much as possible.

But let’s back track…

We met at Hibachi Hut (which though I have lived in Manhattan for 23 years, I have NEVER eaten there) around 7:30 pm, and Josh, Chad, and I ordered the Tiger Wings while waiting for Gweth. They were AMAZING. If you have not had them and eat meat, you should go get some right now. They were perfectly spicy and sweet and crispy and sticky and they came with moist towelettes (as most tasty meat does). The jambalaya is also quite good, and so is the corn bread (nice and moist with good honey butter).

The last teaching session took place in the Community Building at 4th and Humbolt, which smells nice and old, but wasn’t an optimal space as it was super echo-ey, and there were pillars (that made doing Blind Walk/Building a Mountain a lot more difficult). Antiquated Telephone still isn’t work out exactly how it should, and a couple of people still need to work on opening their mouths more when talking to achieve maximum loudness and diction, but on the whole it was a good session. And boy howdy did I give them a workout with Breathwork! Knees up guys!

What made me really happy though besides the kids continuing to do a great job, was that one of the participants had made hurraches (Tarahumara sandals) and brought them last session. This session though another participants had made her own hurraches and now a lot of them want to make them! Super cool, easy to make, cost-effective, and above all, good for your feet. I consider taking care of ones feet as important as brushing and flossing one’s teeth. Walking barefoot or in a near barefoot state will give you a better sense of balance, improve you posture, and make you more aware of where you put your feet; all key things that will help you succeed in this workshop. THERE’S MORE THAN ONE REASON WE DO THE WORK BAREFOOT.





3 responses to “Insanely happy (feet)!”

  1. Annieliese Spence Avatar
    Annieliese Spence

    I <3 Hurraches…and also, Hibachi's tiger wings, they are the best!

  2. Annieliese Spence Avatar
    Annieliese Spence

    Also, you should put up the photo that was taken of our shape!

  3. aeflinn Avatar

    As soon as EVERYONE, I’m looking at you Brian, gets their wavers in this thing is going to be lit up with pictures!

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