Manhattan Experimental Theater Workshop

a program of the Manhattan Arts Center in Manhattan, Kansas

Tag: Cocteau

  • Staging Week

    Staging Week

    When creating a performance for the workshop, whether it be a small exercise or a scripted play, three important questions are asked: What will you say? How will you say it? And what will you do while saying it? With the completion of writing week, we have the first question answered. But the latter two…

  • Writing Week

    Writing Week

    The third week of the workshop marks a shift in the kind of work we do. No longer are we exploring our abilities and interests through exercises and reading. Instead, with our target story and author techniques chosen, it is time to begin creating. But just how do we start this new work? The writing…

  • Session 1: Pure Actor-Research

    Session 1: Pure Actor-Research

    “I became twice as excited when I walked in here because the energy was so great!” Here is the remark of one new participant as we began the ritualistic process of introducing ourselves that comes with the start of any collaborative process. It made me reflect on what I felt like my first day of…

  • MXTW 2016 BEGINS! Sessions 1 & 2

    by Gwethalyn Session one began with the usual butterflies in my directorly stomach. Luckily, the butterflies are always quelled by the obvious enthusiasm of the participants to get started. We’ve got a good sized group of 19 students this year. Lots of returning participants, lots of graduating seniors who have been in the workshop multiple…