Manhattan Experimental Theater Workshop

a program of the Manhattan Arts Center in Manhattan, Kansas

Tag: Harold Pinter

  • Staging Week

    Staging Week

    When creating a performance for the workshop, whether it be a small exercise or a scripted play, three important questions are asked: What will you say? How will you say it? And what will you do while saying it? With the completion of writing week, we have the first question answered. But the latter two…

  • Writing Week

    Writing Week

    The third week of the workshop marks a shift in the kind of work we do. No longer are we exploring our abilities and interests through exercises and reading. Instead, with our target story and author techniques chosen, it is time to begin creating. But just how do we start this new work? The writing…

  • Session 2: Sounding in the Storm

    Session 2: Sounding in the Storm

    “We don’t whine enough.” Megan made this hilarious statement during warm-ups as she instructed us to whine while pretending to suck on a sour lemon drop. But honestly, she’s right! Not just about whining, but about all the things we deny ourselves on a daily basis: yelling, wailing, spinning, tumbling, etc. As humans, we have…

  • Session 3: The World in Handke’s Words and Pinter’s Uncovering of the Nakedness We Try to Hide With Words.

    Session 3: The World in Handke’s Words and Pinter’s Uncovering of the Nakedness We Try to Hide With Words.

    We began session 3 with some simple starting and stopping. It seems like such an obvious thing, we can’t live our lives with out starting and stopping hundreds of times a day, we do it so often it becomes automatic, something we are often unaware of.  JoAnne Akalaitis says theater is all about stopping and…

  • 2013 Reader

    2013 Reader

    Jean Cocteau: Wedding on the Eiffel Tower Georges Ribemont-Dessaignes: The Mute Canary Tristan Tzara: The First Celestial Adventure of Mr. Antipyrine, Fire Extinguisher Bertoldt Brecht: The Elephant Calf Jerzy Grotowski: Akropolis Peter Handke: Self Accusation and Prophecy Harold Pinter: Landscape, Silence, and Night Adrienne Kennedy: A Rat’s Mass and Lesson in a Dead Language Harry Kondoleon: The Brides Maria Irene Fornes: The Danube Suzan Lori Parks: The…