Manhattan Experimental Theater Workshop

a program of the Manhattan Arts Center in Manhattan, Kansas

Tag: writing

  • Writing Week

    Writing Week

    The third week of the workshop marks a shift in the kind of work we do. No longer are we exploring our abilities and interests through exercises and reading. Instead, with our target story and author techniques chosen, it is time to begin creating. But just how do we start this new work? The writing…

  • Svenska är kul.

    I just finished all the typing for my Stein group that I’m co-directing with Josh. So much good material, but I look forward to cutting it down into a good size and organizing it on Sunday with Stein group. Also I got to translate a bunch of Swedish, which made me really happy, because it’s…

  • Breuer and Stein

    I got a crazy good workout these past two days from set building. Monday was 9-4 and Tuesday was 9-2. Everything is built except the short ladders to the ramp between the audience. [I’ll take pictures tomorrow.] Chad and I met at 1 with Barbara and Mercedes to have Breuer small group meeting. It was…